09 November 2010

Praise Hello Kitty for Zombie Jesus!

[Your Humble Narrator here. This is an article I wrote for the ZomBcon blog, this is a combination of the website version and more of my original as well. Editing credit to Christian De Coninck Lucas and many many thank yous to Ryan Reiter, the braiiiinnnnsss behind ZomBcon and my esteemed employer for the last few months. Cheers gents it was a pleasure and an honor.]
Seattle. The Emerald City. Ask someone that's not from here what they know about Washington state and they'll probably tell you one of several things: the weather sucks as it's cloudy and rains a lot, most of the famous people from here are dead like Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Hedberg, Bruce Lee, Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley, and depending on who you ask (regrettably) "That's there the Twilight series takes place!" 

In addition to Nirvana leading the grunge movement of the 90's, Bill Gates brought Silicon Valley to Seattle with Microsoft, and Howard Schultz started the caffeinated revolution with Starbucks coffee. Now in 2010, Ryan Reiter of the Red, White & Dead zombie walk in Fremont brings the worlds' first-ever celebration of the living dead to Seattle, zombie capital of the world, offering a new level of interactive fan experience with zomBcon International.

The city itself is a veritable melting pot of all sorts of people from all sorts of cultures and walks of life and orientations. It's where economical and green hippie crunchy granola lifestyle meets the cutting microchipped edge. Does it really come as any surprise that Japan's most well known and well loved pop culture icon is teaming up with a convention of the living dead at the Seattle Center this Halloween? It's a veritable no-braaaiiinerrr.

Sanrio, the corporation behind Hello Kitty, is celebrating their 50th anniversary with their Small Gift mobile pop-up tour across the United States this fall. The Tour kicks off in mid October with its' first official stop in Seattle. The tour will feature stops in Las Vegas, New York and Atlanta.

To top it off, also in attendance at Seattle Center are the Ladies of Faith and they will be singing their songs of praise alongside our hungry moans for warm flesh. Hello Kitty, Zombies and Jesus may seem like strange bedfellows (unless you want to get into the 'Jesus was a zombie' debate) but it speaks volumes about the vast diversity we have in the city.

Only in this city can the potheads (more or less) peaceably co-exist with the police or the owner of a hybrid vehicle and an eco-friendly house with a living roof go to work at Microsoft or a few thousand people dressed up like zombies get together and break a Guinness World record, twice and no one thinks it’s odd in the slightest. Only in this Seattle can 3 of the most seemingly random events come together for 3 days for a weekend for the record books in Seattle history.

Random... or are they? Perhaps it's TOO random... so random in fact that they hope we see it as nothing more than a random act whereas instead it's an act of deliberation? What if this seemingly unholy trinity of events is really 3 out of 4 signs of the forthcoming Apocalypse? If you don't come to ZomBcon you'll never know for sure until it's too late! If it does turn out to be the real thing, there's always the option to run next door and convert while there's still time!

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