So I've been struggling with a few things as of late...
1) keeping this blog as pure research and ignoring the fan culture
2) keeping a writing schedule
3) keeping up with my wee one as she's learning to walk
That and this winter has been sucking the creative energy right out of me. So with that in mind I'm going to open this up a bit more and start doing more fun articles. The research is great but it involves much more thought and time invested to do work... so with that in mind I'll be posting some of my latest exploits. I've been on 'vacation' in Fortune City, Nevada and I took a trip back to an old doctor friend of mine at West Mansion. And wouldn't you know it, on my trips I ran into zombies. Lots of 'em. Imagine that? But I escaped more or less unscathed and learned a few interesting pieces of information along the way. Stay tuned!