26 August 2011


Greetings boils and ghouls, Shadow here. Many apologies in the lackluster amount of postings around here lately. As the summer starts drawing to a close and after the annual Red, White and Dead Zombie Walk in Fremont my attentions have been focused on updating the website for ZomBcon. [www.zombcon.com]
Some of the updates I've done for the website
-Red white and dead videos
-Dead West
-Zombie Safehouse competition

I'm too lazy to link everything at the moment but i will later. I have lots of projects in various stages of developments, drafting, design and editing... the latest creative endeavor I've embarked on is related to Steven Schlozman's Zombie Autopsies... other than that it's been all journalism, not much in the creative realm aside from my newly confirmed theory of infection... more on this later... just wanted to drop a line to say I still live and that when I come back there's going to be tons of stuff...

and possibly register a domain name of my own...